(KAYLA) Kalkaska Attack on Your Legal Assistances and (POOR) Prison Operations & Opportunities Rehabilitation. Band with us to demand change!

Tell us your story

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This page is to allow your voice to be heard, with the hope the more stories told the more the outside world will listen. Change must happen and the only way this can happen is to educate the outside world with all of your stories. When I started this project, it was to let our story be told in hopes to help my daughter, but the more I worked on her story the more I find it was not just her story. It’s a story that holds true for way too many others that also need help. Change to the broken prison systems and knavery justice systems must start with the truth from all of you standing up and telling your stories. These stories will be shared with our state representees, the governor of our state, and more important the voters of this state who vote these people in.